Photo by CC user 39908901@N06 on Flickr
Is it time to take your first self guided hunt?
If the answer is yes, do you know all the steps you must take to make it a success?
For many hunters, going off with his or her buddies for a hunt is one of the great joys in life.
Others, however, like the peace and quiet of being alone for a day or more of hunting wildlife.
In the event you’re in the latter category, make sure you shoot for success on your self-guided hunt.
Preparation Always the Key
In order for your self-guided hunt to stand the best chances of being a success, make sure you are as prepared as possible.
Your preparations should include:
- Destination – First and foremost, where are you headed on your squirrel hunt or other wildlife pursuits? Picking out the right place/s to go hunt oftentimes comes down to your time availability, money, weather conditions etc. If you’re planning on sticking closer to home for your hunting ventures, you ultimately save money by not having any transportation, lodging costs etc. On the other hand, you may want to get out of town for a few days and go somewhere more remote than where you may be now. While some people just decide on the spur of the moment to go off hunting, many others have their travel plans mapped out weeks or even months ahead of time. Your hunt best stands to be successful when you are a planner and not at a last-minute kind of person;
- Weaponry – While guns are the most common weapons used during hunts, other options (bow and arrow etc.) can come into play depending on what the local ordinances are where you plan to hunt. If using guns, put safety at the top of your priority list. From properly transporting guns to using them safely out in the field, never take gun safety for granted. Always be sure to carry an unloaded weapon until you are ready to begin your hunt. After the hunt is over, make sure the weapon does not have any bullets remaining in it. The same holds true each and every time you clean the gun;
- Safety – Along with gun safety, your overall safety is of course important when out on a self-guided hunt. Make sure you carry a cell phone with you at all times. Even if the phone does not get reception in a heavily wooded area, it should be serviceable once you are out in more open territory. It is also important wherever your hunt takes you that you know where the nearest medical facilities are in the event you injure yourself. Lastly, make sure you tell at least one person where you plan to go on your hunting excursion. Going off without telling anyone of your plans is simply asking for trouble. In the event you are injured and can’t get help on your own, someone knowing of your plans (estimated timetable to return etc.) would know something was wrong if your timing is off;
- Rules – If you are planning on venturing to an area you’re not familiar with, make sure you know the lay of the land before setting foot on it. The last thing you want is to be fined for trespassing on someone’s private land. By doing Google searches and/or asking locals before you make your hunting trip a reality, you can get a better idea of what areas are and are not allowed for hunting purposes. If you do accidentally end up hunting in an area that turns out to be hunting prohibited, remove yourself from the property as quickly and peacefully as possible. In some cases, emotions can get heated between hunters and property owners. You do not want to spark a confrontation that could lead to involving local authorities.
If this is the year you do your first-ever self-guided tour, take the time to map it out and plan accordingly.
In doing so, you stand the best opportunity of having a great hunt and great memories to take back home with you.
With all the different wildlife out there that one can hunt, start planning your self-guided hunt today.